Our History

Rochester’s Pridefest began in 1998 under the leadership of Gay and Lesbian Community Services of Southeastern Minnesota (GLCS) and was held every year for nearly two decades.


In 2018, GLCS passed the planning of Pride over to a diverse group of LGBTQIA+ residents that became the founding board of directors for the new nonprofit organization named Rochester Pride



According to the Household Pulse Survey (HPS), from the U.S. Census Bureau in March of 2024, more than 460,000  Minnesota adults, or about 11 percent of the population, identify as LGBTQIA+. 



While Minnesota has made strides toward protecting those identities, the U.S. as a whole is seeing many of those legal protections stripped away. It is more important than ever to celebrate and foster understanding of gender and sexual minorities in these divisive times.


There are other Pride celebrations in Minnesota, but no other city has as rich of an international population. As Rochester continues to grow, we are continually presented with new opportunities to refashion this city as a welcoming, inclusive place for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations. We welcome all individuals, organizations, and businesses who are interested in participating as a sponsor to do so. The generosity of the wider community will be critical for Rochester to have a successful annual Pride festival and to affirm that all are welcomed and valued within our community.


The Rochester Pride Board of Directors is an elected group of volunteer community members with a range of gender and sexual identities. We are dedicated to celebrating all LGBTQIA+ identities in our city and the surrounding communities, and we strive to grow in our support of the engagement with those individuals and allies.

Our Board

Jennifer Winter – Chair, Logistics Committee Chair

BJ Gangestad-Birk – Vice Chair, Promotions Committee Chair

Scott Cordell – Secretary, Vendor Committee Chair

Julie Winters – Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair

Kayla Goetzman

Katrine Sjovold – Volunteer Committee Chair

Cameron Mullen

Lori Milanowski